WATERVILLE AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Deadline TBA Vote Per the by-laws of the Waterville Chamber of Commerce, we are to have a general election of the board of directors every year. The Chamber board consists of a past president, president, vice president, treasurer, and eight other voting board members. Each board member serves a two-year term. The current members of the board that remain in place for 2023 are as follows: Business Name(Required) *Only one ballot allowed per business.President (use 'other' to write-in a candidate)(Required) Michelle Smith, Premier Bank Other Vice President (use 'other' to write-in a candidate)(Required) Julie Wiley, RCO Law Other Treasurer (use 'other' to write-in a candidate)(Required) Brenda Mossing, Farmers & Merchants State Bank Other Board of Directors (either check the box or write in below) Mike Shroyer - Shawn's Irish Tavern Jerel Fish - Fish & Associates Insurance Agency Brea Wise - Digging Dog LLC. Michael Puppos - Riverfront Studios Board of Directors (Write-in candidates, if you selected three above only write in three here for a total of 6 votes) Δ